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程序 更新
& Public 健康 Protocols

Flight Credit 获得价值高达 $500 when you apply with code* by November 17, 2023

CEA积极监测可能影响我们项目目的地的全球公共卫生问题. 的 health 和 安全 of our 学生 和 工作人员 remains our highest priority, 我们承诺遵守东航和当地的公共卫生协议和保护措施,提供有意义的项目.

我们的目标是为我们的参与者和合作伙伴提供透明和及时的信息. We continue to update our protocols 和 procedures to reflect evolving public health situations, international requirements, 的 latest 安全 st和ards, 和 current health recommendations.

程序 更新

CEA CAPA正积极计划为未来的学生提供出国体验. As part of our 通过尽职调查,我们审查了COVID-19对我们项目地点的影响,以确定如何 programs may need to change to adapt to our current reality. 这对学生来说很重要, 家庭, 和 universities to be flexible with 的ir desired 和 approved locations to study or intern abroad as we navigate 的 evolving situation. 节目日期更改的更新; cancellations, or alternative program models will be communicated as 的y occur. 我们认识到在开放边界和领事馆方面存在许多不确定因素, visa processing times, vaccinations, COVID-19绿色/健康通行证, 以及可能的强制自我隔离. We are continuously monitoring 的 situation in locations w在这里 CEA CAPA offers 课程以及美国大学的入学要求.S. 公民. 持有其他国家护照的学生 各国应通过所在国领事馆网站获取最新信息 student entry. Should a new travel ban impact 学生’ ability to enter a specific country, CEA CAPA will review all available 和 relevant information to determine feasibility of running that 程序.

As such, we’ve created contingency plans to allow as much flexibility as possible.

CEA CAPA closely monitors 的 most up-to-date COVID-19 information including, but not limited to, health statements from 的 Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention (CDC), 世界卫生组织(卫生组织), 和 的 Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. 此外,我们定期监测美国政府发布的信息.S. Department of State, 盟国的政府报告, 来自私人来源的安全报告, as well as consulting with a variety of reputable in-country sources 和 experts.

由专门人员组成的团队定期召开会议,讨论并立即应对与COVID-19相关的任何健康和安全问题, 根据需要对程序进行调整, 并根据当时的COVID-19形势审查我们的协议和最佳做法. 如果在CEA CAPA项目所在地发生COVID-19疫情,CEA CAPA为CEA项目制定了应急计划. If 的 collective information from 的 above resources indicates 的 safest course of action would be to cancel a program, CEA CAPA reserves 的 option to make that decision.

Withdrawal dates for many of our programs may be adjusted 和 will be reflected on 的 CEA CAPA website as well as in 的 学生’ MyCEA Portals. 如果学生对他们的课程退出日期有疑问和/或担忧,他们应该与他们的注册顾问密切合作.

A Withdrawal Date is 的 last day a student can withdraw from a program 和 not be held responsible for full payment. CEA CAPA’s Withdrawal policy is outlined in 的 grid below. 请注意,学生属于以下两种支付结构之一. 联系 an Enrollment 顾问 for any questions regarding payment structures.

    1. CEA CAPA直接付款(学生直接向CEA CAPA支付CEA CAPA海外教育费用.)
      • 学生须遵守以下政策.
    2. University Payments (Student pays CEA CAPA Education Abroad fees through 的ir home institution/study abroad office.)
      • 学生必须遵守美国大学的政策.S. home institution. Please contact 的 study abroad office for your specific payment obligations.
存款 Withdrawal Phase (prior to program start date)
第一阶段 第二阶段 第三阶段 第四阶段 5级
Non-Refundable Prior to widthdraw date Withdraw Date to 45 days 22-44 days 21 days or less 课程开始日期之后(如适用)
研究 $500 Full refund 项目总费用的30% 项目总费用的50% 100%的项目费用适用 100%的项目费用适用
Internship $500 Full refund 项目总费用的30% 项目总费用的50% 100%的项目费用适用 100%的项目费用加上500美元的宝博体育退出费

*If a student uses a CEA Student Universe flight voucher but does not participate in a CEA CAPA onsite program, 已使用的飞行凭证金额必须退还给中国航空公司.


根据我们的标准取款政策, 学生 who request to withdraw in writing on, or prior to, 他们的课程退出日期不负责最后的付款,并有权退还已支付给CEA的款项, minus 的 application fee 和 program confirmation fee.

申请费用概不退还, 项目确认费不予退还,除非申请人在学术上不符合项目资格.

随着项目退出日期的临近, 我们鼓励学生及时决定他们的项目参与,并定期与他们的CEA招生顾问沟通. 在课程退课日期之后退课的学生将遵守CEA的退课政策.

If CEA CAPA makes 的 decision to cancel programs, 学生 will be refunded all program payments* made towards 的ir program. Refunds can fall under one or both refund plans listed below. Students should contact 的ir CEA CAPA Enrollment 顾问 if unsure which plan(s) applies to 的m.

1. CEA CAPA直接付款(学生直接向CEA CAPA支付CEA CAPA海外教育费用)

  • 退款将被发送到学生MyCEA门户网站中记录的永久地址.
  • 的 refund will come in 的 form of a paper check made out to 的 student 和 can take up to 10 - 12 weeks to receive.
2. University Payments (Student paid CEA CAPA Education Abroad fees through 的ir home institution/study abroad office)
  • 请联系您的留学办公室了解有关退款的最新情况.

*Refund Exclusions:

  • 申请费用$95将从总退款金额中扣除.
  • 的 non-refundable $95 application fee can be applied to a future term with CEA.
  • 如果学生对退款过程有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系他们的CEA CAPA注册顾问. Students can find 的 contact information for 的ir CEA CAPA Enrollment 顾问 in 的ir MyCEA portals.


如果你参加了CEA的一个项目,并希望在退出日期之前决定将你的注册推迟到未来的一个学期, 请联系你的CEA招生顾问讨论你的选择. 如果您想在退出日期之后推迟到未来的期限, 请参阅提款政策.

Many countries are currently restricting entry for 的 purpose of tourism but are making exceptions for travelers who are entering 的 host country as a student. 所有CEA地点都允许持有学生签证或适当文件以显示其学生身份的学生入境.

COVID-19的入境要求因国家而异,并可能发生变化. CEA正在积极监督这些要求,并将在入学学生离校前向他们提供必要的文件. Please note, 东航不能为希望以游客身份入境的朋友或家人提供文件. If you have questions or concerns about what you may need to enter your host country, 请联系您的注册顾问.

Please consult 的 U.S. State Department’s website for fur的r information.

健康 & 安全 Abroad

CEA CAPA的首要任务是健康, 安全, 以及学生的安全, 工作人员, 和 教师. Our practices 和 policies are grounded in established st和ards within 的 international education field, 我们积极参加专业组织,帮助塑造国外教育健康和安全标准的未来. By actively monitoring credible reports 和 data published by reputable sources, 我们能够更好地做出明智的决定,优先考虑我们的学生和社区的福祉. 更多信息,请查看我们的 健康 & 健康 和 安全 & Support Abroad pages, or contact our 健康 和 安全 团队.

是的! We have successfully welcomed 学生 abroad during 的 COVID-19 p和emic since 的 Spring ’21 term. 看看这些学生的成功故事吧 to see how CEA CAPA alumni studied abroad during this time.

CEA CAPA’s academics 和 curricula are designed to emphasize experiential learning 和 we incorporate activities to help 学生 connect 的ir experiences outside 的 classroom with 的 content 的y learn in class. 虽然在大流行期间这似乎是一项艰巨的任务, we accomplished this starting with our Spring 2021 programs 和 have since continued to welcome 学生 on programs abroad. Through respecting 的 guidance of local authorities on protective measures as well as adhering to our own unique P和emic 和 Public 健康 Concern Guidelines, CEA CAPA continues to provide outst和ing experiences for our 学生 in 和 out of 的 classroom.

CEA CAPA has a team of dedicated individuals who regularly monitor 和 review local conditions relating to health, 安全, 和 security, including public health concerns in our program locations. 我们利用一个庞大的资源网络,包括但不限于:美国.S. Department of State, U.S. 疾病预防控制中心, 海外安全谘询律师, World 健康 Organization, 联合外国政府旅游建议, U.S. 以及国际卫生组织, 脉冲, 和 insurance 和 third-party security intelligence reports. Our onsite 工作人员, local partners, 网络是无价的资源, 和 we depend on 的ir first-h和 knowledge 和 experience to help guide our decision-making processes. .

CEA CAPA pledges to continue prioritizing student health, 安全, 和 wellbeing, while never compromising academic quality of programs. 我们谨慎而独特地对待每一种情况,以批判性地评估我们的学生和机构合作伙伴的最佳行动方案. 在这样的时代,这种方法是至关重要的,因为我们必须平衡学生的健康与提供学术质量的学生, 家庭, 以及我们的机构合作伙伴对CEA CAPA的期望.

CEA CAPA制定了广泛的COVID-19协议和最佳做法,以便提供工作人员, 学生, 和 教师 a flexible framework of guidance to reduce 的 risk of contagion, promote safe practices, 有效应对不断变化的疫情环境.

We defer to 的 requirements of local authorities regarding COVID-19 guidelines 和/or restrictions. We reserve 的 right to implement stricter COVID-19 protective measures during program courses or activities in order to safeguard 的 health 和 wellness of our 学生, 工作人员, 和 教师.

We underst和 that many U.S. institutions do not allow 学生 to study abroad in a country w在这里 的 U.S. 由于新冠肺炎或其他原因,美国国务院发布了3级或4级旅行警告. We encourage 学生 to check-in with 的ir home institution immediately should this occur before or during your program.

For CEA CAPA, 的 U.S. Department of State travel advisories are one resource amongst many that we consult to make well-informed decisions regarding abroad programming. 的y are not 的 determining factor in whe的r or not we will make adjustments to our programming. CEA CAPA pledges to continue prioritizing student health, 安全, 和 wellbeing, while never compromising academic quality of programs. 我们谨慎而独特地对待每一种情况,以批判性地评估我们的学生和机构合作伙伴的最佳行动方案.

Even as program destinations have lifted COVID-19 protocols, 我们相信,最新的COVID-19疫苗和增强剂将有助于保障CEA CAPA参与者的健康和福祉, 教师和现场团队成员, as well as show respect 和 support for 的 wellbeing of 的 communities in which we operate programs.

从2023年5月1日或之后开始的项目开始,CEA CAPA是 strongly recommending all participants to be up to date on 的 COVID-19 vaccination 和 recommended booster doses prior to going abroad.

All participants are responsible for knowing 和 adhering to 的 COVID-19 vaccine 和 booster requirements of 的ir program location 和 host institution (if applicable). Should a program destination or host institution change 的ir vaccination policies, 学生们可能不得不遵守这些政策.


World 健康 Organization COVID-19疫苗信息

如果你的疾控中心卡丢了, stolen or destroyed, 您可以通过联系给您接种疫苗或加强剂的提供者来获得新卡. 如果您无法获得新的CDC卡, we may accept a copy of an official vaccination record from your state health department or medical provider or a digital copy of your COVID-19 vaccination record. Please note that local authorities in your program destination may not recognize anything o的r than a CDC card as an official vaccination document. 我们强烈建议您在出发前获得最新的CDC卡.

在大流行的过程中, many countries have at some point required a Covid Pass (called a Super Green Pass, 健康通行证或疫苗通行证, depending on 的 country) in order to participate in most daily activities like academic classes, 餐厅, 购物, 参观文化旅游景点, 参加户外音乐会或体育赛事, or traveling by bus or train to a different city. Requirements vary by program destination 和 most countries have lifted 的ir Covid Pass requirements.

Local governments reserve 的 right to reinstate 的ir requirements if necessary as 的 p和emic evolves. 如果您的目的地在国外期间需要Covid通行证, 以下其中一种情况通常适用:

  • COVID-19疫苗接种的有效证明和/或推荐的加强剂量(1).e.(疾控中心颁发的疫苗接种卡),或
  • Negative COVID-19 test results (taken within 的 past 24-48 hours of entering establishment or venue; cost of 的 tests are expensive 和 的y are 的 participant’s responsibility), or
  • Medical documentation showing you have recovered from COVID-19 within 180 days of entering 的 establishment or venue.

We strongly encourage you to take your original CDC card with you abroad in case regulations change while you are abroad.

In most countries, only 公民 or permanent residents of that country are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination or booster shot, t在这里fore we recommend being up to date on your COVID-19 vaccine 和 booster(s) before departing for your program.

All 学生, 教师 和 工作人员 are expected to respect 和 comply with any 和 all requirements 的y may encounter while abroad to reduce 的 spread of COVID-19 or o的r virus. 即使不需要口罩, 我们强烈建议您戴上口罩, wash your h和s frequently, 和 follow o的r best practices to protect your health.

Students are required to sign a COVID-19 Informed Consent Form to confirm 的y underst和 all of 的ir responsibilities, 在参加CEA CAPA项目之前.

COVID-19对个体的影响不同. 在宝博体育之前,盘点一下自己的健康状况. 与您的医生和家人交谈,并填写所需的健康信息表.

我们强烈建议你这样做 全面接种COVID-19疫苗并及时接种符合条件的加强剂.

的 p和emic has affected every country differently. Local authorities have specific guidelines 和 requirements that pertain specifically to that country. 研究你的目的地,了解需求是非常重要的, 什么保护措施都到位了, whe的r or not a COVID-19 vaccine exemption is permitted, 以及在国外如何照顾好自己. 一个很好的起点是 U.S. State Department’s country-specific pages.

In some destinations, international travelers may still be required to show proof of vaccination status or negative COVID-test result, or even quarantine upon arrival to 的ir host country. 您必须研究您的目的地,以找出最新的抵达和检疫指南,因为它们经常变化. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with any travel requirements for your destination. 的 U.S. State Department provides detailed information about entry requirements, 和 you can always contact your CEA CAPA Enrollment 顾问 or Site Specialist for more information.  
Regulations set by local governments can change at any time 和 thus it is not possible to predict whe的r a quarantine will be required for any specific location. As of January 2023, no quarantines are required upon arrival at any CEA CAPA program destination. If quarantine is m和ates for 的 arrival period, we will notify 学生 immediately with next steps.

You are free to travel during 的 program term, but if you choose to travel outside of your program country, we strongly encourage you to do plenty of research 和 take extra precautions with your travel plans due to possible complications from COVID-19. We have witnessed governments rapidly change 的ir COVID-19 preventative measures in light of spikes in COVID-19 cases, 你可能会被困在项目所在国之外. Should this happen, you may miss a significant amount of your program or internship. If you decide to travel, you will need to check-in your travel with our onsite team members so we can contact you in case of emergency. 我们也建议大家回顾一下 U.S. Department of State 您计划访问的目的地的信息和注册 智能旅行者注册计划(STEP).

Due to 的 ongoing 俄罗斯n invasion of Ukraine, CEA CAPA禁止前往乌克兰, 俄罗斯, 和 Belarus.

We encourage you to speak with your health care provider to discuss your unique health situation 和 how that may be affected by COVID-19 or o的r public health concerns in your program destination. In addition, 我们建议您研究并遵循有关COVID-19防护措施的当地指导,以保护自己和他人. 疾病控制中心 provides a lot of information on how to best do this. In addition, CEA CAPA strongly encourages you to:

  • Be fully vaccinated 和 up to date on any CDC recommended vaccines 和 boosters before you leave for your program.
  • 养成良好的卫生习惯, wash your h和s frequently, 和 pack a small supply of masks 和 h和 sanitizer.
  • Inform onsite 工作人员 immediately upon possible COVID-19 exposure or if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, 和 self-isolate until you receive test results.
  • Check out 的 following websites for more information on COVID-19 安全 tips:

我们采取了“家庭单位”或“家庭泡泡”的做法,以防学生接触COVID-19或检测呈阳性. This means that if one student in a housing unit tests positive for COVID-19, all 学生 in that housing unit may need to get tested 和/or self-isolate for a designated number of days, 取决于当前的指导.

All participants will also remain in 的ir program housing in accordance with local guidelines if 的y or a member of 的ir household tests positive for COVID-19.

在你的项目指导期间, CEA CAPA工作人员将详细讨论如果您在课程期间暴露于COVID-19或检测呈阳性,您应该采取的步骤. 一般来说,我们建议您遵循以下步骤:

  • 立即通知现场工作人员当地指导和测试地点. 提供其他项目学生的姓名, 教师, or 工作人员 with whom you have had close contact for contact tracing purposes.
  • 如果你有呼吸困难或其他健康并发症, 立即就医. 现场工作人员可以帮助您在您的项目所在地找到医疗服务.
  • Self-isolate in your housing until you can get tested 和 receive your results. 如果检测呈阳性,则可能需要隔离特定天数.
  • 联系 your family or emergency contact to inform 的m.
  • 如果你和其他学生住在一起, 戴上口罩,在住房的公共区域保持社交距离.
  • 如有任何问题、疑虑或其他信息,请联系您的CEA CAPA项目工作人员. We are 在这里 to support you!
We will not be actively testing 学生 for COVID-19 during 的 abroad program unless required by 的 local government. If a student, 工作人员 or 教师 member test positive for COVID-19, we will do our best to identify 和 notify close contacts so 的y can monitor 的ir personal health.

CEA CAPA与CISI合作伙伴提供  学生旅行健康保险 适用于所有在国外学习或宝博体育期间的学生. 该保险是一种报销式计划,包括COVID-19的医疗保险, up to plan limits. If you have specific questions about 的 COVID-19 coverage under 的 CISI plan, 我们建议您直接与CISI联系以获取更多信息.

如果您接触过COVID-19或正在出现COVID-19症状, a COVID-19 test may be covered under 的 insurance plan. 你需要预先支付测试费用, 然后将收据和索赔表提交给CISI报销. 请记住,旅行或国内COVID-19通行证要求所需的COVID-19测试不包括在CISI政策中.

在国外时,您是否需要因COVID-19或其他医疗问题住院治疗, CEA CAPA 和 CISI work closely with AXA Travel Assistance to support you 和 ensure you receive proper medical treatment without any out-of-pocket expense. If needed, 他们可能会安排转移, follow-up care, 或者按照建议送回家继续治疗.

CISI策略包括隔离、行程延迟和行程中断的小好处. If you test positive for COVID-19 at 的 end of your program 和 need to quarantine as a result, 您可以向CISI申请报销某些检疫费用.

减少病毒在宝博体育地点传播的风险, internship 学生 和 的 internship host will both review 和 ad在这里 to 的 terms 和 conditions set out within 的 Learning Agreement Document which outlines 的 following:

  1. 厂方有责任确保宝博体育生充分了解厂方的健康和安全规章制度.
  2. 的 site’s responsibility to follow all local government guidance related to COVID-19 within 的 work environment (e.g., social distancing, workplace hygiene, staggered working hours, face coverings, 等.),这是在任何时候到位.
  3. 的 学生’ responsibility is to observe 和 ad在这里 to all workplace protocols, company guidelines, 以及地方政府立法.

在一场全球大流行中生存无疑是一项挑战,你并不孤单! 越来越多的大学生报告说,由于与COVID-19相关的压力源,他们感到抑郁或焦虑. 而宝博体育可能会提供一个受欢迎的风景变化, it will be important to prioritize your mental health 和 continue any treatment you currently receive. Be sure to speak with your mental health provider about your study abroad plans before you depart.

Mental health support services may be available in your study abroad location, 无论是面对面还是虚拟的. W在这里 mental health services are not available, 我们可以通过我们的学生旅行健康保险公司安排在线咨询或治疗, CISI. 如果您需要协助安排在国外的服务, please indicate this on your Required 健康 Information form or feel free to reach out to your Enrollment 顾问 or Site Specialist for more information.

Mental 健康 is 健康 by 的 JED Foundation
关心你的心理健康 由国家心理健康研究所提供

美国.S. CDC no longer requires most travelers entering 的 United States by plane to show a negative COVID-19 test or document of recovery before boarding a plane. 建议旅行者在旅行后3天内进行COVID-19检测,以避免与COVID-19活跃病例一起旅行, but this is not m和ated. You can read more about 的 CDC’s travel guidance 在这里.

如果你要返回美国以外的国家, 我们建议您查看您所在国家大使馆网站上的重新入境要求.

Be sure to check with your airline for any o的r information you may need to board your flight to return home or 的 country of your final destination.

CEA CAPA的工作人员可以为您提供一份当地测试中心和实验室的清单,在那里您可以获得旅行前推荐的测试. You will be responsible for paying for 的 cost of this test, as it will not be covered by 的 CISI student insurance.

为了保护同路人,减少COVID-19的传播, CEA CAPA强烈建议,如果你在项目结束前的几天里COVID-19检测呈阳性,不要飞回家. CEA CAPA recommends that you self-isolate for at least 5 days or until you receive a negative test, 或者在恢复旅行计划之前根据当地的指导.

As 的 CEA CAPA program will have already ended, 您将负责确保住宿,费用自理. 如果您需要帮助查找在哪里获得COVID-19检测或自我隔离期间的住宿建议, CEA CAPA的工作人员可以为您提供帮助.

We partner with CISI to provide 学生旅行健康保险 适用于所有海外项目学生,在其项目或宝博体育的正式日期. 的 CISI policy includes small quarantine 和 trip delay benefits which may apply, depending on your circumstances 和 current regulations in your program location.

We have found 的 following websites to be helpful 和 informative regarding multiple aspects of COVID-19. 如果您有其他问题或疑虑,请联系您的CEA CAPA代表. We are happy to help you navigate COVID-19 和 study abroad.

US Department of State - Country specific COVID-19 information 和 advice
美国疾病控制和预防中心 - COVID-19一般信息
美国疾病控制和预防中心 -国际旅行建议
World 健康 Organization - COVID-19一般信息
World 健康 Organization - COVID-19疫苗接种信息
Global Epidemics by Brown University- COVID-19 by 的 case numbers by country
Our World in Data -各国COVID-19疫苗接种率
Mental 健康 is 健康 by 的 JED Foundation
关心你的心理健康 由国家心理健康研究所提供

What Happens If...

CEA's programs are running 和 currently open to applications! While certain inclusions may need to be adjusted, 和 student life abroad may not be 的 same as previous terms, CEA致力于支持学生的海外之旅.

If a program is cancelled, any fees paid will be refunded back to 的 student at 的 permanent address on file minus 的 $95 application fee. 的se funds will be returned in 的 form of a check. Due to COVID-19, refund timelines vary 和 can take up to 12 weeks from 的 date 的y are processed.

CEA's Policy: CEA致力于为学生提供每一个完成学业的机会, which means we’ve developed many contingency plans for each of our programs. If a program moves coursework online while you are abroad, CEA would consider that a change in academic structure. 我们不认为你的节目取消了, 因为你还有机会完成你的学分. 这取决于在线轮班的原因, 学生 may still have 的 opportunity to remain abroad or may be required to return to 的 US. It is important to note that if a program shifts online, 您将没有资格获得任何退还支付给CEA的费用 due to 的 shift in academic structure.

Recommendation: You may not experience a move to online coursework, 但积极主动地与你的家乡大学合作,探索在线转换可能对你的转学学分产生的影响,这并没有什么坏处. While most universities will accept virtual transfer credits 的 same as if 的y were completed abroad, 你可能需要提供关于每门课程的额外文件,或者可以选择将学分转换为及格/不及格.

东航致力于尽我们所能保持您的国际经验, 其中很大一部分是为许多可能出现的情况制定应急计划. While we can't predict exactly what will happen, we can tell you CEA has local 工作人员 available to 学生 in every single host city. All of our 工作人员 are trained in navigating health & 安全 situations locally 和 coordinating back with our domestic US 工作人员 as needed. 重要的是要注意,如果你被要求回家, 您将没有资格获得任何退还支付给CEA的费用.

CEA's Policy: CEA strongly encourages 学生 to listen to 的 guidelines put out by 的ir home institution. 如果你不能出国,因为你的大学的COVID协议, you will be offered 的 opportunity to switch your application to a future term or request a refund for all fees 只要您的课程退出日期未过,就支付减去95美元申请费. 如果您的提款日期已过, 请参阅以上的退课政策或学生政策页面.

Recommendation: It's easy to miss 电子邮件s or communication from your university, but it's more important than ever to keep up on 的ir announcements. 如果他们正在考虑取消学习 abroad for your term or you are told you cannot go abroad, let CEA know as soon as possible so we 可以和我们的大学合作伙伴一起评估你的选择吗.


Background: CEA has worked with our partners abroad to confirm program start 和 end dates, however as 的 situation develops both domestically 和 internationally t在这里 is always 的 possibility for dates to change. 我们知道学生们对尽快出国感到兴奋, but CEA wants to ensure that every detail is inline prior to student’s arrival.

Recommendation: We strongly advise 学生 to wait until 的 closure date (和 encourage 的 withdrawal date when possible) to book flights. When you do book flights, research 的 specific cancellation or rebooking policies. Booking with a more flexible airline or a flexible type of ticket may cost more but it also gives a lot of peace of mind. CEA is not able to offer assistance with booking or changing flights, or reimbursing flight costs.

Recommendation: 是的! Whe的r it’s picking out multiple cities that work for you, 批准备选课程, 或者考虑多种飞行选择, 我们总是鼓励学生灵活和开放的变化. International travel takes a lot of planning 和 it’s common for last minute changes.

If you’re committed to an international experience, CEA will do everything we can to get you t在这里!

Background: Student Universe flight vouchers are a great perk for eligible CEA 学生! 我们经常运行促销活动并提供代码,以便在完成CEA程序应用程序时使用. 如果你有机票代金券, 的 code is valid for use on Student Universe for one year after it's issued.

Recommendation:Booking through Student Universe is similar to booking with Expedia or Travelocity, 这意味着又有一家公司牵涉其中,你要受他们额外的政策约束. You can absolutely use your flight voucher for your flights (that’s why we offer it!) but you definitely want to pay attention to 的 change policies when you book 和 if travel insurance is offered. Booking directly with an airline may offer more flexibility in cancelling or rebooking flights. 当你在国外旅行时,你可以随时使用你的代金券!

注意: CEA无法控制学生天地的退款或取消政策, 和 we are not able to refund 的 value of a flight voucher. Please be aware if you use a flight voucher 和 do not participate in a CEA program, 所花费的价值必须偿还给东航. For more information, visit 的 CEA Policy Page.

Background: In order to study or intern in a foreign country, American 学生 are often required to obtain a Student Visa or Residence Permit prior to entering 的ir host country. 由于最近新冠肺炎疫情的发展, it’s important to not only be aware of 的 Student Visa requirements but also any additional health forms or documents needed to enter 的 country.

Recommendation:是的! Your Enrollment 顾问 will provide you with a guide 和 details on your host country’s specific visa process. 的 application process can typically take 4-7 weeks 和 with current delays in mail service 和 at 的 consulates, it may take longer. 许多领事馆都限制了他们的工作时间和预约时间,所以在等待最新消息时保持耐心是很重要的. 确保你在领事馆网站上查看最新的申请信息. 如果你不确定你的项目是否需要学生签证, 请联系您的注册顾问.

Recommendation: 是的! 的 tasks in your MyCEA to-do list are timed specifically to best prepare you for your time abroad. It's important that you complete all of your tasks on time so 的 CEA teams abroad can get ready for your arrival. Most tasks you complete now can be transferred over to a future or alternate program, 如果你最终需要改变计划.

Background:如果您直接支付CEA CAPA, it is important to pay your Confirmation 存款 和 communicate your funding plan to CEA CAPA prior to 的 Withdrawal Date. Please refer to 的 payment schedule 和 note that your full program cost is due prior to 的 程序 Start Date. 如果CEA CAPA在开始日期之前的任何时间取消您的课程, 你有资格获得全额退款减去95美元的申请费.

Recommendation: 是的! 我们建议按时付款, however we underst和 many of our 学生 are taking a bit more time 和 doing a bit more research this year, 在经济上承诺一个项目之前. 我们要求学生与他们的招生顾问保持联系, 和 work with 的ir Financial Services Specialist to build a custom payment schedule. You may also want to review our CEA CAPA Policies to best underst和 your financial obligations 和 our refund policies.

自定义 & 教师-Led 程序s

的 short answer:

是的. 我们很高兴欢迎您的团体来现场!

的 detailed answer:

我们认识到在开放边界和领事馆方面存在许多不确定因素, visa processing times, vaccinations, COVID-19绿色/健康通行证, 以及可能的强制自我隔离. 在可能的情况下,我们致力于为我们的大学合作伙伴提供灵活性. As necessary, 这可能包括推迟最后期限, exploring changes to program dates 和/or alternate locations, adjusting activities, 等., to allow you to make 的 best decisions for your programs.

We are continuously monitoring 的 situation in locations w在这里 CEA CAPA offers programs as well as entry requirements for U.S. 公民. 持有其他国家护照的学生应咨询所在国领事馆网站,了解有关学生入境的最新信息. Should entry requirements affect 的 ability of 学生 和/or 教师 leaders to visit a specific country, CEA CAPA将与您合作,确定运行受影响项目的可行性.

Please see 的 健康 & “海外安全”栏目,详细了解CEA - CAPA应对新冠肺炎疫情的信息, 我们的现场健康和安全协议, 当前的绿色/健康通行证要求, 减少接触和传播指南, 和更多的. CEA CAPA的健康和安全主管, 与我们的海外团队合作, 是否根据不断变化的全球现实不懈努力使这一信息保持最新.

定制和教师主导的项目, we can also collaborate with sending institutions to align to your home campus practices w在这里ver possible. Please note that requests that substantially impact 的 availability 和/or scope of our agreed-upon services 和 inclusions may result in 的 modifications to program agreements, to be determined 和 agreed upon collaboratively with 的 sending institution.

我们正在持续监测对美国公民的旅行限制和签证要求.S. 每个接待目的地的公民. As program withdrawal deadlines 和 start dates approach, we will collaborate with our institutional partners to evaluate any restrictions in place at that time. Should travel restrictions affect 的 ability of 学生 和/or 教师 leaders to enter a specific country, CEA will partner with you to determine 的 feasibility of running impacted programs.

持有美国以外国家护照的学生和教师.S. should consult 的 host country’s consulate website for up-to-date information on entry requirements.

As we navigate 的 evolving realities both in 的 U.S. 和 internationally, 我们承诺尽可能为我们的大学合作伙伴提供灵活性. This could include accommodating changes to program dates, 探索其他地点, adjusting activities 和 o的r program inclusions, 和更多的.

我们正在不断评估我们所有项目的内容, 并将保持联系,讨论可能的调整. 对于与您的项目如何受到CEA当前健康和安全协议的影响相关的具体问题(如上所述) & 安全 Abroad section), please reach out to your Regional Director or 自定义 程序 Coordinator.

Global health 和 安全 requirements that substantially impact 的 availability 和/or scope of our agreed-upon services 和 inclusions may result in modifications to program agreements, to be determined 和 agreed upon collaboratively with 的 sending university.

Our university partners always have 的 opportunity to cancel a program without financial penalty up to 的 withdrawal deadline as noted in our program agreements. After this deadline, CEA CAPA will begin making reservations onsite in order to ensure we can provide 的 requested program inclusions.

Should a program need to be cancelled for health, 安全, 和/或全球流动性的原因在退出截止日期后或当集团在现场, CEA CAPA将尽最大努力退还所有可收回的项目费用. 费用和退款取决于时间, program requirements, 以及取消或终止的具体情况.

Life Abroad



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